about 9-year-old who won't eat healthy food
"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >Ted *Ba Fongule* Campanelli gesticulated:
> >
> >You TELL the kid to eat it. They refuse, fine. They get the same thing
> >on their plate for the next meal. They get NOTHING ELSE until they eat
> > it. You keep doing this until they eat it.
> >
> >For instance, they will not eat broccoli at supper. First, no desert or
> >snacks. They get the broccoli for breakfast. If they eat it, THEN they
> >can have a "normal" breakfast. They don't eat it, back in the fridge
> >until lunch and we do it again, and again and again until they do eat
> >it. I promise they will eat it by day 3 AND THEY WILL BE NO WORSE FOR
> >IT (and they will not starve either). Of course you may be "a little
> >worse for wear" with all the yelling and screaming, but that is another
> >issue that is best handled in the "woodshed".
> >
> >There is no such thing as an unruly child or dog, just ineffectual
> >parents/owners.
> Typical brainless WOP, everything settled with coersion, intimidation, and
> violence.
And "settled" with an eating disorder in later life, no doubt.
I had this sort of treatment metered on me by a school teacher as a seven
year old and it was no doubt responsible for my fear of eating in public and
eating in general thereafter. She would force me (or other children who
passed up on any item offered for school dinners) to eat every bite in her
office, standing over us, sometimes forcing the food into our mouths, even
if it took all afternoon, following us to the bathroom and waiting outside
the cubicle door until we came out or denying us toilet visits completely.
We then went back into her office if we did get to go to the bathroom and
were forced again to eat. If we wouldn't put the food in our mouths we were
told we were not allowed to go home until we did and that our parents would
be called and would punish us severely for being so naughty. Vomiting,
crying, begging or sheer panic associations invited in the slipper or a
forced second helping. I hated her with all of my being.
As a result of this I developed an eating disorder that meant I could not be
watched whilst I ate, by anyone, including my family (who, once they found
out this treatment was being handed out to primary school children, were
utterly horrified.) In my teens I couldn't go to Maccy Do's, or dinner at
friend's houses, or eat in public at all, for fear of being forced into or
coerced into eating something I couldn't stomach - even things I previously
liked became objects of terror if I might have to eat in company. The smell
of food would make me physically sick in some cases.
Only when I met my ex husband, aged twenty, did I start to recover. When I
met him I weighed around six stone (I am five foot five.)
Some children just don't like certain foods, just as adults. I hate broccoli
and I'm thirty one ! My attitude to my step-kids-to-be when it comes to food
has always been, take what you want and eat what you take, as someone else
said here. If you are messing for sure then no dessert - and most parents
can tell the difference between "I genuinely don't like this" and "I am just
messing about for attention", IME. But the sort of so-called "tough love"
that implies you'll get beaten for not eating your greens only satisifies
one thing - the power hungry barely repressed whim of the sadist metering it
out, and it *will* cause long term problems. If you're willing to do that to
your kids for the sake of a plate of eaten broccoli, then you shouldn't have
children in the first place, and I pity your dogs (mine are happy and
healthy and obedient without being beaten or starved, thanks very much.) You
can catch alot more flies with honey than you can with vinegar, at any rate.
Just my two pennies worth.