Saute vs ???
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Saute vs ???
(John) wrote in
> Hi, I have a question about Saute. What is the
> difference between sauting on the stove for say
> 3 minutes pre-side verses cooking 1 minute per-side
> and then putting the pan in the oven high heat for 4 minutes for
> a piece of steak or chicken for example. Does one do
> something different then the other?
> I'm new at this. I've tried both and not seen much
> of a difference. The only thing I've seen is the sauted
> version has more crusty bits and the other has a clean
> broiled look.
> Thanks,
> John
First off when you saute the heat is right there; where the burner is 1/8
of an inch or less away. When baking the heat is where the burner is; at
least 1/2 a foot away or so. Now if your broiling that something else.
Second off the crusty bits is where a great deal of flavour is generated.
The crusty bits is what your sauces are made from.
Define what you mean by High Heat...And what also kind of oven.
Conventional N. American Ovens have warm and cold spots which will effect
cooking times and tastes.
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