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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default Cupcake bill - bad precedent

On Fri, 13 Jun 2014 17:16:28 -0400, Nancy Young
> wrote:

>On 6/13/2014 5:00 PM, Jeßus wrote:
>> On Fri, 13 Jun 2014 12:56:21 -0400, Nancy Young
>> > wrote:
>>> On 6/13/2014 12:43 PM, Gary wrote:
>>>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>>> She looks good for 80 years old... you're just jealous because you're
>>>>> young enough to be her son but you alreadly look like her grandfather.
>>>>> Tina looks hot!
>>>> Oh Sheldon. she looks hot? She needs to quit trying to pretend to be
>>>> young. A "sexy" 80 year old lady (like in that pic) is just wrong.
>>> I'm pretty sure she doesn't need to do anything of the sort.

>> That is precisely what she is trying to do though.

>But it's her prerogative. At some point past puberty,
>most of us stop worrying what other people think of our
>appearance and do what we like. People might like it or not,
>but she doesn't *need* to stop doing anything.

No, of course not. Whilst I agree with what you say in principle, but
like many things in life, it's not a black and white and where does
the line get drawn.

We just don't have people that look or think like that here. She looks
like a freak to me, in all honesty. Another Michael Jackson, only to a
lesser degree. I understand it's nothing overtly unusual for certain
places like Hollywood or elsewhere, but not for most of the ROTW.

I can't believe anyone would get cosmetic surgery if they have no
deformities, unless they have some personal issue they'd be much
better dealing with itself than getting cosmetic surgery.

>>> She likes the way she looks, that's okay with me. I think she
>>> looks fine, especially for her age.

>> She'd look a lot better if she just looked normal for her age.
>> Women simply *do not* make themselves look like that here, doubly so
>> for elderly women.

>Whatever they like. I'm sure they don't sit around worrying what
>some guy somewhere thinks one way or another.

Oh, I really think many do.

>However they are
>comfortable with their own appearance.

If they were comfortable with their appearance, they wouldn't be
thinking along those lines to begin with.