Thread: Stick figures?
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Stick figures?

"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> On 6/14/2014 9:12 PM, Jeßus wrote:
>> Automatics are for steerers, not drivers.
>> Nobody apart from those with a disability should be able to get a
>> licence unless you pass the test in a car with a manual box.

> Why? Really, aside from getting a rental in other countries there is no
> practical reason to learn to drive stick shift. Let's go one better,
> before driving a stick shift, you must learn to hitch a team of horses and
> drive a carriage.
> You will be disappointed to learn that many high performance cars are now
> automatics with paddle shifters.
> I've owned quite a few cars with stick shift. I can double clutch, I can
> shift both up and down without using the clutch. I even know the shift
> pattern on a Borgward. So what? I can drive any place in North America
> and never have to shift.
> Yeah, its fun once in a while but I don't want manual on my daily driver
> and I fail to see how most people wold be a better driver just because
> they can use a clutch.
> Full disclosu I've never saddled a horse.

I have been looking at cars for sale for the past several years here. Not
too many stick shifts for sale. And you can't get one in a rental either.
All rentals are automatic.