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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Homemade sauerkraut

"koko" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 14 Jun 2014 23:36:04 -0400, Travis McGee >
> wrote:
>>On 6/14/2014 11:15 PM, koko wrote:
>>> My first attempt at homemade sauerkraut turned out pretty darned good.
>>> After a 2 week bath in a 3% brine, it's pretty darned tasty, if I say
>>> so myself. After 2 weeks I put it in the fridge to slow the
>>> fermentation, but it's still ripening, only more slowly.
>>> The shredded cabbage is held under the brine with whole cabbage
>>> leaves.
>>> I think next time I'll let it go another week and do a comparison.
>>> Right now it's tangy enough, but I'm curious as to how it will be in 3
>>> weeks. I don't like a real tart, sour, sauerkraut. ;-)
>>> I found that great crock at a thrift store. Happy, happy, happy.
>>> koko

>>Looks beautiful!
>>I prefer crisp sauerkraut to limp; which category would yours fall into?
>>I guess I don't understand what is done to make it either way.

> Travis, mine is crisp and crunchy. I use organic cabbage, It gives off
> a lot of liquid so very little brine needs to be added, that might be
> a factor.
> koko

I would like the recipe. I made the pickles that you posted and they were
really good. Everyone liked them.
