Thread: Potato prices?
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Potato prices?

On 6/16/2014 10:45 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Sheesh, you sure do have lots of excuses to support your slothfulness.
> You have a yard so you do indeed have a piece of ground available,
> you're just too FL... you're like my last tenant... would only have a
> garden if someone did it for her.

Did you read the link Julie posted? It said "for a nominal fee ($35 per
year for one bed, $55 per year for two beds"). Then she'd have to drive
there, find a place to park and take care of it. Even I know you need
to tend vegetable gardens daily. Keep out the critters, weed, water.

My father had a lovely garden when I was a teen. He was always out
there doing something. When they moved here they did not want to deal
with a garden again.

I could pay a couple hundred extra bucks to "rent" gardening space, too.
I'm just not interested in planting vegetables. That doesn't make me
(or anyone else) lazy. It simply means we don't want to.

You seem to enjoy it, that's fine. I'll gladly pay the local farmers,
who actually farm for a *living*.
