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Ema Nymton Ema Nymton is offline
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Default Got some fun birds hanging around, too (WAS: Simple Dinner6/16/2014)

On 6/17/2014 7:41 AM, jmcquown wrote:

> Glad you got to see one! Cardinals are average size birds.
> They're around here (SC) year round. There's a mated pair with a nest
> somewhere nearby. I often see them at my bird bath.
> Last year they had a nest in the pyracantha which is right by my
> kitchen. I heard a horrific racket. I ran to the window in the dining
> room. They were fighting a black rat snake! The snake had climbed the
> tree and was trying to get to the hatchling in the nest. They managed
> to scare it off. The next day, same racket, same snake. This time they
> weren't so lucky. The snake snagged the hatchling and had it half
> swallowed before I could get to the door. (I'm not sure what I could
> have done about it, the poor thing was likely already dead.) Those poor
> cardinals were distraught. They hung around in the tree, pipping
> distressedly for an hour, before abandoning the nest.
> Jill

Unfortunately, I saw that happen with bluejays and the birds squawked
for at least an hour. Sad.
