Thread: Rusty burner.
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MaryL[_2_] MaryL[_2_] is offline
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Default Rusty burner.

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On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 5:22:06 AM UTC-7, Julie Bove wrote:

> I don't know what is going on with my stove. I replaced all of my drip
> pans
> a little while back as they were starting to rust through. I put foil
> liners in the new ones.
> But now I noticed that some metal underneath one of the burners has rusted
> to the point where it totally fell off. In researching this, the
> burner
> is a 6", 5 turn (GE). There are three thin pieces of metal underneath the
> coils and one of these is what rusted out.

Just for laughs, I would replace the foil trays with steel ones, just in
case the dissimilar metals are promoting corrosion.

> I believe that my mom may have helped it along not long after I got the
> stove. For some reason she was in the kitchen and decided that the drip
> pan
> needed to be cleaned. Most likely it didn't. She has eye problems.
> Either
> doesn't see very well or think she sees things that aren't really there.
> At
> any rate, I watched in horror as she yanked the burner straight up to
> remove
> it! That is how the burners came out on her old Kenmore. She has a flat
> top now.

Could be macular degeneration. How often does she see her eye doctor?

But older women are bossy. When my grandmother came to take care of us
when my mother was sick, she broke the shower valve because she couldn't
figure out how to turn it on.

> But this stove? The instruction manual (which I since managed to lose)
> said
> to carefully and slowly slide the burners out and never to lift them up.

> Plus, GE makes two different burner types and some people were getting the
> wrong thing. I ordered straight from GE and put in my stove model number
> so
> I know I will be getting the correct thing.
> I suppose this is not bad though. Stove is almost 10 years old. Only
> other
> repair that I needed wasn't really a repair at all. I just didn't know
> how
> to reattach those rods on the lift top that I accidentally pulled off. So
> I
> called a repairman for that and he didn't know how to do it either. But
> between the two of us, we finally got it.

GE is very good about helping consumers help themselves. Now that you
have the model number, you can call their helpline and get a manual.

....Or go to their web page and download it. I have a file where I keep PDF
copies of manuals for all important appliances, cameras, etc. Several years
ago, I started to download manuals as soon as I made a major purchase, but I
have occasionally had to download one even for something that I have had for
a number of years.
