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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default ubiquitous biscuits & gravy

On 6/18/2014 8:21 PM, Doris Night wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Jun 2014 15:49:25 +0000 (UTC), tert in seattle
> > wrote:
>> When did every hotel between Seattle & Iowa add biscuits and gravy to the
>> traditional Continental breakfast? Is this the Paula Deen effect?

> We've been touring the northern US and so far have driven between
> Michigan and Minnesota. Biscuits like hockey pucks and disgusting
> gravy at every hotel we've stayed at. Oh, and scrambled "eggs" made
> from some unknown white substance.
> Doris

I'm sure the scrambled eggs come from a carton but they're no worse than
Egg Beaters (which I don't consider bad). The scrambled eggs I've seen
at hotel breakfasts haven't been white. They look (and taste) like
scrambled eggs. YMMV.

What surprised the heck out of me in Minnesota a few years back was
country fried steak with cream gravy. This was not a hotel breakfast.
It was lunch in a diner in Apple Valley. Wow, that was some *good*
country fried steak and gravy! Shocked the heck out of me. It was
actual steak, not chopped steak or cubed steak. The batter was crispy,
the steak was tender, the gravy was delicious. Whodathunkit?
