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Terrence Crimmins Terrence Crimmins is offline
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Posts: 58
Default Dinner 6/19/2014

Chinese food from a restaurant. Aromatic fish, which was cod with cabbage, garlic and onions, with some other spices, and I had cabbage and pickle soup, which was pretty good. I probably shouldn't like it so much, but there's another Chinese restaurant that has red snapper baked with a typical sweet semi hot cornstarch laden sauce that is delicious. I think they bake it at a really high temperature and it's juicy and delicious and mixed with the sauce.... ahhh. Unfortunately, the restaurant is not near my house. Alas.

In any event, I've tried cooking snapper several ways with recipes I've looked up on line, and haven't been able to find any that come close to the sweet sauce one. Maybe someone can help me with this, especially because some of you Southerners see a lot more snapper....
