Thread: Chopping block
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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Chopping block

"Cheryl" > wrote in message
> On 6/15/2014 6:23 PM, Travis McGee wrote:
>> On 6/15/2014 5:43 PM, pltrgyst wrote:
>>> On 6/15/14, 12:58 AM, Travis McGee wrote:
>>>> I just got a chopping block from I had been looking for
>>>> something heavy-duty, and this certainly fills the bill. It's made of a
>>>> thick horizontal cut from a tamarind tree, one solid piece, 9.5" across
>>>> and 2.5" thick. It's a beast. Interestingly, I think the entry on their
>>>> website said 2" thick, but I measured this one and it is definitely
>>>> 2.5"
>>>> and a bit more.
>>> Is tamarind particularly dense or something?
>>> My cutting board is 20" x 20" x 3", so I can't see how yours is all that
>>> heavy.
>>> My brother's chopping block is 30" x 30" x 16" (yes, 16" thick!), and
>>> has four beefy oak legs. It came from an old butcher's shop...
>>> -- Larry

>> I just weighed it; it's 8 pounds. Without the handle it's a bit
>> difficult to pick up off of the counter, especially since I just greased
>> it up with beeswax/mineral oil cream. Tamarind seems to be fairly dense,
>> at 850 kg/m3, as opposed to, say, maple, at 755 kg/m3 or red oak at 700
>> kg/m3.
>> I would have trouble with a huge chopping block; my kitchen is small,
>> and I have very little counter and floor space. I think this block will
>> be just fine.

> I used to have a chopping block on legs with casters, and I loved it. I
> had to give it away just for the reason you cited - not enough space and I
> found I was only using it as an extra counter top when cooking for company
> and needed the space.

I have a chopping block on legs with casters and I love it. Actually, I
would hate to be without it since I use it for everything and it's like
extra counter space. In the old days I had a portable dishwasher with a
chopping block top and I loved that too.
