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Malcom \Mal\ Reynolds Malcom \Mal\ Reynolds is offline
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Default Moldy bread again!

In article >,
"Julie Bove" > wrote:

> "jinx the minx" > wrote in message
> .
> ..
> > "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> >> "cshenk" > wrote in message
> >> ...
> >>> Julie Bove wrote in
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>> "Nancy2" > wrote in message
> >>>> ...
> >>>>> Good grief, isn't there anything else going on in your life? Moldy
> >>>>> bread is not a sign of the end of the world! Buy Pepperidge Farm.
> >>>>> I have an opened loaf of rye bread, re-opened and used a number of
> >>>>> times, for at least six weeks, maybe longer, and there isn't a
> >>>>> speck of mold on it anywhere. It is stored in a regular metal
> >>>>> bread box inside my cupboard. I have AC in the summer and like it
> >>>>> fairly cool in the winter. I expect there are some hefty
> >>>>> preservatives involved, but you can just pretend they are also
> >>>>> preserving you. Quit with all the bitching, it isn't becoming, nor
> >>>>> is it earth-shattering. In a word, it is boring and it is my
> >>>>> guess that nobody gives a damn.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> N
> >>>>
> >>>> I don't think they sell Pepperidge Farm here but even if they did, I
> >>>> probably couldn't eat it. I can't have rye, wheat or eggs.
> >>>>
> >>>> And you are quite nasty. What I posted about was totally food
> >>>> related. I just bought the same bread again. We'll see. The Bolo
> >>>> bread that I bought did not have an expiration or use by date on it
> >>>> but the last piece went moldy after about 4 days. No preservatives
> >>>> in it.
> >>>>
> >>>> If you truly have a loaf of bread that sat out on the counter for 6
> >>>> weeks and didn't get moldy then I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot
> >>>> pole!
> >>>
> >>> Nor would I Julie. For the rare time we agree. I make our bread and it
> >>> will mold (depending on type made) in 3-5 days if not in the fridge. I
> >>> dont use preservatives. Just normal stuff like sugar and salt to make
> >>> the bread.
> >>>
> >>> I'm ok with some going to waste if I don't have fridge space. It's
> >>> cheap to make andif i catch it in time, makes great excess other items
> >>> like crutons, bread crumbs, stuffing (things I never buy as I dont need
> >>> to).
> >>
> >> Well this was purchased bread. What I don't get is this. They put a
> >> sticker on there which would be a best by or expiration or sell by date.
> >> Not sure which. It didn't spell it out. And yet? The bread went moldy
> >> before that date. That just seems wrong. They are doing something
> >> wrong.
> >>
> >> Bakery bread usually has a date on it for the day after it was baked.
> >> Perhaps they should do that?

> >
> > It was non-preserved bread. Why do you think you should get some sort of
> > "guaranteed by" date for it? It's summer. It's humid out. Get over it.

> It's not humid here and it wasn't summer when this happened. Again, my
> point is... If they are going to put a date on it, then it should be good
> until then.

so what happens when you return the bread to the store and explain that
to them?