Nexis wrote:
> "Richard Periut" > wrote in message
> .. .
>>What's all the hype about Penzeys? I don't understand the capriciousness
>>of many people here.
> This is a company many people on this ng have favored for years. That is
> hardly a whim, my friend. Are you sure you know the meaning of
> capriciousness?
Main Entry: ca·pri·cious
Pronunciation: k&-'pri-sh&s, -'prE-
Function: adjective
: governed or characterized by caprice : IMPULSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE
synonym see INCONSTANT
- ca·pri·cious·ly adverb
- ca·pri·cious·ness noun
Pretty clear to me.
>>I found them expensive, and excluding the whole spices, the rest of what
>>they sell are blends (and God knows what other crap they include in
>>these,) and pre ground stuff.
> God knows, and so do I, since they clearly state what is in each hand
> blended mixture of spices.
>>I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
>>Latino markets.
> Then do so. I don't recall anyone ordering you to purchase spices from
> Penzeys...did they?
No, but again, I'm interested in finding out what's the hype? Care to
answer the question? If not, then don't answer the post.
>>And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
>>that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
>>casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
>>quality meal.
> A hand blended mix of spices that I would mix anyway is hardly akin to
> canned soup. They are not any less fresh or high quality if they are in one
> jar or several.
No, but why pay for blends that IMO are more expensive. Can't follow a
>>Sorry, that's just me. Maybe others share my opinion or perhaps can
>>convince me to think otherwise.
> Why do you want others to convince you?
It's a question that I posed; it's not mandatory.
For me personally, and I'm sure for
> most people out there, I can honestly tell you, I wouldn't give a hoot if
> you never purchased a thing from Penzeys. It would be your loss, as far as I
> can tell.
Well good for you, cause I don't give a hoot about the way you handle a
simple polemic with such a combative attitude.
Perhaps you are an agent for them? But I suspect you just follow the
cause blindly.
Care to buy the Brooklyn bridge? I just remade some of its foundation
> kimberly
>>"Dum Spiro, Spero."
>>As long as I breath, I hope.
"'Who knows for certain? Who shall here declare it?
Whence was it born, whence came creation?
The gods are later than this world's formation;
Who then can know the origins of the world?
None knows whence creation arose;
And whether he has or has not made it;
He who surveys it from the lofty skies.
Only he knows-or perhaps he knows not.'
And this is tempered by another, perhaps still greater:
That men are not the dreams of the gods but that the gods are the
dreams of men."
The Rig Veda
Circa 1500 B.C.