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Default Moldy bread again!

On Fri, 20 Jun 2014 19:56:55 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>"jinx the minx" > wrote in message
>> "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>>> "cshenk" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> Julie Bove wrote in
>>>>> "Nancy2" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> Good grief, isn't there anything else going on in your life? Moldy
>>>>>> bread is not a sign of the end of the world! Buy Pepperidge Farm.
>>>>>> I have an opened loaf of rye bread, re-opened and used a number of
>>>>>> times, for at least six weeks, maybe longer, and there isn't a
>>>>>> speck of mold on it anywhere. It is stored in a regular metal
>>>>>> bread box inside my cupboard. I have AC in the summer and like it
>>>>>> fairly cool in the winter. I expect there are some hefty
>>>>>> preservatives involved, but you can just pretend they are also
>>>>>> preserving you. Quit with all the bitching, it isn't becoming, nor
>>>>>> is it earth-shattering. In a word, it is boring and it is my
>>>>>> guess that nobody gives a damn.
>>>>>> N
>>>>> I don't think they sell Pepperidge Farm here but even if they did, I
>>>>> probably couldn't eat it. I can't have rye, wheat or eggs.
>>>>> And you are quite nasty. What I posted about was totally food
>>>>> related. I just bought the same bread again. We'll see. The Bolo
>>>>> bread that I bought did not have an expiration or use by date on it
>>>>> but the last piece went moldy after about 4 days. No preservatives
>>>>> in it.
>>>>> If you truly have a loaf of bread that sat out on the counter for 6
>>>>> weeks and didn't get moldy then I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot
>>>>> pole!
>>>> Nor would I Julie. For the rare time we agree. I make our bread and it
>>>> will mold (depending on type made) in 3-5 days if not in the fridge. I
>>>> dont use preservatives. Just normal stuff like sugar and salt to make
>>>> the bread.
>>>> I'm ok with some going to waste if I don't have fridge space. It's
>>>> cheap to make andif i catch it in time, makes great excess other items
>>>> like crutons, bread crumbs, stuffing (things I never buy as I dont need
>>>> to).
>>> Well this was purchased bread. What I don't get is this. They put a
>>> sticker on there which would be a best by or expiration or sell by date.
>>> Not sure which. It didn't spell it out. And yet? The bread went moldy
>>> before that date. That just seems wrong. They are doing something
>>> wrong.
>>> Bakery bread usually has a date on it for the day after it was baked.
>>> Perhaps they should do that?

>> It was non-preserved bread. Why do you think you should get some sort of
>> "guaranteed by" date for it? It's summer. It's humid out. Get over it.

>It's not humid here and it wasn't summer when this happened. Again, my
>point is... If they are going to put a date on it, then it should be good
>until then.

That Use-By date assumes people will afford a product proper handling;
not everyone in the household pawing it with unclean hands, closing
the package immediately, keeping at or below a normal room temperature
(72ºF), and naturally not in direct sunlight. The package bread I buy
contains no preservatives, I've yet to have it mold. The only bread
I've occasionaly had mold is the bread I buy past it's Use-By date at
heavy discount for feeding critters, and that's my fault for over
buying and keeping it too long. Those who regularly have food
spoilage incidents practice poor personal hygiene... there really is
no other explanation.