"jmcquown" wrote in message ...
I just walk across the street at the end of my driveway. The (standard
size) mailbox is right there.
If I get a package that won't fit in the mailbox they leave it on the
post between the two mailboxes. Too big for that? The mail-person will
leave it by my front door.
My setup is similar except that my mailbox is wider than the standard type
you showed in the photo. I just walk to the end of my sidewalk to get mail,
and I bought a wider box because I found it difficult to dig packages out
when postal delivery would "shove" it (especially books) into the standard
box. I live in town, but most of the subdivisions use rural-type boxes
where a postal truck just drives up and puts mail in the box. A few
subdivisions have banks of locking mailboxes, and some people even rent
boxes at the post office if they don't want to have home delivery.