Best side ever
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Posts: 2,048
Best side ever
In article >,
> Janet wrote:
> >
> > I grow them, specially to eat tiny. The first lot are always eaten as
> > a plate of nothing but little baby potatoes, steamed with mint then
> > served hot with butter, sheer heaven.
> Mint? That sounds just *wrong* to me. What's with you UK people and
> your mint on lamb and now potatoes. Just in my is for
> chewing gum and that's it.
Keep chewing gum so you can keep kidding yourself your breath, and
house and ferret don't smell like ferret.
There are scores of different varieties of mint, with different
flavours. Just like there are different kinds of grape which make wines
with different flavours and smells.
The mint flavour in gum and toothpaste and sweets is peppermint.
The mint used in mint sauce or on potatoes is spearmint.
>Mint on any real food? Please no.
Well, until you start eating real food that doesn't taste like ferret
wee, you'll never know :-)
Janet UK
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