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Default Memories of Woolworths lunch counter.

On Monday, June 23, 2014 12:58:08 AM UTC-7, Julie Bove wrote:

> > wrote in message
> ...
> Loved Woolworth. I remember those giant bubbly machines on the counters
> containing orange or grape soda. Pop a balloon to reveal what you'd pay for
> a Sundae. Fantastic Lime Rickies. The counter workers were always bitchy.

Sure, they were on their feet all day and got practically nothing in tips.

> My friends and I would chip in to buy a plate of French fries for .25 cents.

Tuna melts on Fridays. Shooting the paper tube covering the straw across the
work area when no one was looking. Eventually the straw manufacturers put
holes in the ends of the covers, but twisting the end solved that.

> Baby turtles for .29 cents. Parakeets for $5. Barbie doll clothes for $1.
> Our Woolworth's in Nashua, NH had a talking Minah bird who would either
> whistle or curse whenever someone walked by. Such innocent fun times. '50s
> and '60s.

I have no idea where you could go in any more, and come out with bobby
pins, a desk lamp, yarn, a hammer, and a parakeet with cage.

> Those turtles were my favorite. I really wanted one but my dad said they
> bred disease.

Your dad was right. Salmonella.