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Default about 9-year-old who won't eat healthy food

Ted Campanelli wrote:

> For instance, they will not eat broccoli at supper. First, no desert or
> snacks. They get the broccoli for breakfast. If they eat it, THEN they
> can have a "normal" breakfast. They don't eat it, back in the fridge
> until lunch and we do it again, and again and again until they do eat
> it. I promise they will eat it by day 3 AND THEY WILL BE NO WORSE FOR
> IT (and they will not starve either). Of course you may be "a little
> worse for wear" with all the yelling and screaming, but that is another
> issue that is best handled in the "woodshed".

Over broccoli? Gads, hope you never have to deal with a real problem.

> There is no such thing as an unruly child or dog, just ineffectual
> parents/owners.

Unfortunately, 9 is plenty old enough to have manifestations of mental
illness, and I've known some that are constantly in trouble off their
meds, and really pretty good on them. I've also known dogs, particularly
those with abusive puppyhoods whose brains don't function in the social
way we expect of a dog. Also, some dogs are just plain dumb.
product of very strict parents who would never have dreamed of the above
donut peaches are cheap here, right now, and so I finally popped for
some. They are less messy to eat! Since you can get your mouth around
the whole edge there is no territory to drip onto your chin!