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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Texting or chatting hands free in the car

On 2014-06-23 10:15 AM, Nancy Young wrote:

>> There was an real life (death) incident like that near here recently. It
>> happened in front of a friend's place. The guy had just been at a 4 way
>> stop intersection about 250 yards down the road and managed to veer
>> across the road and crashed head on into a water tank truck. Apparently
>> he had been texting at the time.

> His poor family. I wonder when I read about fatal accidents
> where someone suddenly drove into oncoming traffic. They
> don't say, but I think something took their eyes off the
> road.

There was an incident on the other side of the highway from my work
location where someone was killed at the wheel while on his cell phone.
Truck traffic was backed up at the border and the guy ran right into the
back of a stopped truck. The first person on the seen told the person on
the other end of the line what had just happened to his buddy.

About a year ago there was a fatal accident involving a woman coming
home from a midnight shift. Her husband said that she had just called to
say that she was on her way home.

> I'm pretty sure it's SOP to check to see if the driver was
> on the phone/texting at the time of a fatal crash.
> nancy