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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Keys (WAS: The generational battle of butter vs. margarine)

On 2014-06-23 19:41, Julie Bove wrote:

>>> When she was a writer... was that before or after her career as a
>>> checkout clerk? I didn't twist her words when I referred to her
>>> complaint about her husband stopping for supper in the way home,
>>> something that she later denied saying, and also later said that I
>>> drag up things from the past. Maybe you should pay attention to her
>>> stories a little close to see how they change instead of compulsively
>>> replying to her posts and defending her. There are reasons why
>>> several people here comment about Julie's changing stories.

>> Hardly. You're the one that replies to all posts about her like some
>> kind of stalker. Get a life.

> I don't know who wrote that. I never had a career as a checkout clerk.
> I did work for I Mart for 17 years. I was the garden shop manager, the
> layaway manager, a checkout supervisor, a fill in manager, but just
> briefly but mostly I did POS and Merchandising.

Point of Sale..... cash register???

>Yes, I ran a cash
> register sometimes. All of us did. Even management. I did start out
> as a cashier but that was only for two weeks. I was moved elsewhere
> after that and got a variety of promotions. I do dislike it when
> someone puts someone else down for being a cashier though. Somebody has
> to do it. And really, this person is sounding very much like my husband
> because that's how he likes to refer to me. He never could understand
> what I actually did there because it wasn't a simple job. I tried to
> explain it as did one of my coworkers. He didn't get it but I wouldn't
> expect someone who never worked retail to "get" it.

I have worked in retail.
I never put you down for being a cashier. I never put down cashiers. I
questioned the timing of your career as a writer.... because you are
denying having claimed to be a writer, and the only reason we thought
you had claimed to be a writer because YOU posted it here.