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jinx the minx jinx the minx is offline
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Default Keys (WAS: The generational battle of butter vs. margarine)

"Julie Bove" > wrote:
> "jinx the minx" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>>> "jinx the minx" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> "Cheri" > wrote:
>>>>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> Indeed she has claimed here to be a writer. She writes a lot of >
>>>>>> fiction.... like about being a writer and many other lies.
>>>>> I've never seen her claim to be a writer *now* or in all of the years
>>>>> I've known her for that matter, but she has said she was a writer in >>>> the
>>>>> past. The only *lies* I've seen is when people twist her words and then
>>>>> claim that she said it. They're the ones telling the lies. Sad really.
>>>>> Cheri
>>>> So just how long ago do you qualify as being "in the past"? For the
>>>> record, she made this claim in January 2013, again in November 2013, and >>> > as
>>>> recently as April 2014 in the "Lost a lot of food" thread. So who's >>> the
>>>> one twisting facts and telling lies now? Do you want further proof? >>> GIYF.
>>> I don't think that I did or if I did, it was taken out of context.

>> Not quite sure how anyone could take "I am a writer" out of context. > Except
>> you, of course.

> I am not going to go back and look up what I said. It may well have been
> an attack on my use of English or some such thing in which case I could
> have easily replied that.

Since you're calling us the liars and the ones who are taking your comments
out of context perhaps you should take a walk down memory lane before
replying any further. You're only digging yourself in deeper by refuting
verifiable facts.
jinx the minx