Live and Let Diet by AB
Moe DeLoughan wrote:
> On 6/24/2014 11:44 AM, Steve Freides wrote:
>> notbob wrote:
>>> No doubt most of you have seen that Alton Brown has lost a buncha
>>> weight. His DIY diet with four lists. Looks like I could live with
>>> that one. Is there any specifics? I notice the his video is all
>>> over the place, but only part 1, the 2nd part having been quashed by
>>> copyright nonsense. In part 1, he alludes to a book, "Buff, Like
>>> Me", or whatever, but I suspect it's jes one of his usual jokes, as
>>> I can find no such pub. Anyone have any details?
>>> nb
>> You'd be amazed by what just eating "clean" can do. Meat, leaves and
>> berries - eat nuts, eat _lots_ of fat of all kinds except the
>> man-made kind, eat lots of protein, eat lots of vegetable, cut out
>> most or all of the bread, pasta, and the like, and be moderate with
>> fruit as well, and watch your body composition improve.
> Also limit the number of times you eat each day. Research has found
> that the liver is busy doing one of two things: secreting enzymes to
> help break down the food you recently ate, or secreting enzymes to
> break down your body fat. The more frequently you eat, the less time
> your liver has to spend on breaking down body fat. If you can manage
> it, the ideal is to consume your meals (limited to two if you can do
> it) within an eight-hour window, leaving your liver sixteen hours to
> work on body fat. Even if you don't cut back on calories, you will
> still lose a modicum of weight since you're giving your liver more
> time to deal with existing body fat.
I agree with this 100%. It's really a question of that old saw, "What
doesn't kill you makes you stronger." If you feed yourself constantly,
you are addressing the symptom, hunger, without strengthening yourself
and it eventually weakens you - in my humble opinion.