"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 6/24/2014 12:17 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 6/23/2014 8:58 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> On 2014-06-23 19:41, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>> I don't know who wrote that. I never had a career as a checkout
>>>>> clerk.
>>>>> I did work for I Mart for 17 years. I was the garden shop manager,
>>>>> the
>>>>> layaway manager, a checkout supervisor, a fill in manager, but just
>>>>> briefly but mostly I did POS and Merchandising.
>>>> Point of Sale..... cash register???
>>> That's what it means in my world. "Merchandising" means
>>> restocking/marking down/adding new items/stock as needed. I got to
>>> dress mannequins and arrange displays when I worked in retail. That
>>> was also considered merchandising.
>> POS means being in charge of pricing.
> Bullshit. POS stands for Point of Sale. According to Wiki:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_of_sale
> "A retail point of sale system typically includes a cash register (which
> in recent times comprises a computer, monitor, cash drawer, receipt
> printer, customer display and a barcode scanner) and the majority of
> retail POS systems also include a debit/credit card reader."
> In other words, a cash register.
That is indeed what it stands for. However, the job that I had entailed
quite a bit of things. My team was in charge of all of these things, and
making sure that everything was running and being operated as they should.
>> Making sure that we were making
>> enough profit but also selling for a better price or the same price as
>> our competitors. It also means making sure that the SEM (shelf edge
>> marker) has the right price on it.
> IOW, making sure the right price tags/signs are on the shelves. Whew.
> Glad we cleared that up!
A lot more than that Jill. If I had to list out every single thing that we
did in a day, it would read like a novel. I've already written enough. I
retired from that job almost 20 years ago. No need to rehash it all.