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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Calling 911 on cell phones. OT

On 2014-06-25 12:56 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "sf" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Tue, 24 Jun 2014 20:13:06 -0500, Janet Wilder >
>> wrote:
>>> My "home phone" is a wireless system from Verizon. When I call 911 I
>>> have to give them the address. It took seconds when Barry died to get
>>> me to the proper dispatch. Seconds! I did not get sent to NY.

>> That's good to hear. We only have cell phones and I've been wondering
>> what kind of problem we'll have if/when we need to use them in a real
>> emergency like you had. Time waits for no man... or woman.

> I've had to do it twice and that the first time was a year or two ago.
> Some spaced out looking older man was riding a bike against the traffic
> and swerving in and out of my lane and the next one. Can't tell you how
> many times he was almost hit or how many accidents he nearly caused.
> The next time was fairly recent. I had a guy go into road rage at me
> because I had to slam my brakes on. Some idiot pulled in front of me
> without signaling and if I hadn't slammed on my brakes, I would have hit
> him. The road rager was driving a big white Mercedes. He pulled around
> to the side of me and made some sort of hand gesture to me while glaring
> at me. I think he saw Angela take a picture of his license plate so that
> we'd have the number because he very quickly swerved off of the road
> without signaling and sped off very quickly on some other road.
> Both times I did get the right department.

You called 911 because someone gave you the finger???
I hope they charged you for the response.