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-L. :
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Default Is It Just Me....

Michel Boucher > wrote in message >. ..
> Larry Smith > wrote in
> :
> >> How is elaborating a complex plan to eliminate millions of people
> >> being a realist? If you were a realist, you would face the fact
> >> that the problems stem from abuse by western powers and their
> >> toadies (including the House of Saud and Saddam Husayn)

> >
> > Total, unmitigated, crap.

> Twenty years ago, the Muslims were your allies in the struggle
> against Innernashunal Kammynism in Afghanistan. Six years ago,
> Muslims were your allies in the struggle against the "evil Serbs" (tm
> applied for).
> Now they're your enemies. How did that happen? Who ****ed up?
> Can't you see you're being manipulated? No, it's not the Jews, it's
> those right-wing Christian arseholes. And you're their number one
> tool, along with Katra and all the others who buy this rhethoric of
> hatred that only begets more rhethoric of hatred.
> They manipulate you because they prey on your fears. In his first
> inaugural speech of March 4, 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt said:
> "So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing
> we have to fear is fear itself?-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified
> terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into
> advance."
> The US government was recently caught with its security pants down,
> admitting that the latest alert was based on 3-year old information.
> there was some bafflegab about recent updates, yadda yadda, but no
> one in their right mind believes a word of it. Are they running out
> of things to frighten you with? What ever will you do when you can
> breathe easily? Toss Bush out of the White House, maybe?
> --

Can I give you a big fat kiss?
