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Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

>"Richard Periut" wrote:
>> I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
>> Latino markets.

Cheap is expensive... and is a disease (Chronic Cheap ******* Disease).

Spices sold at ethnic markets are the least fresh of all, firstly they're what
sits in importer's warehouses perhaps for years, then as surplus is finally
auctioned to wholesalers who in turn package it in cheap cellophane under
fictitious ethnic sounding monikers... and then could sit in the local
neighborhood ethnic market for years before someone purchases it. Conversely
Penseys IS the importer, what they sell is the freshest possible, essentially
as fresh as though you picked it yourself.
>Not everyone has access to those markets. I don't think there is a whole
>peppercorn within 30 miles of where I live. Pakistani? Maybe about 75
>miles. Latino? I know of one only 48 miles away.
>> And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
>> that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
>> casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
>> quality meal.

>I agree to a point. I've used some of the blends and they do a good job or
>getting the ratios in proper order while many of us would have to do a lot
>of experimenting.

Penzeys blends are freshly ground from fresh whole ingredients. All one has to
do is use your sense; Look at the colors, everything bright and true to color,
even herbs are bright green, no stinkin' brown, use your Nose, stupidmarket
spices have no smell whatsoever.

I've purchased black peppercorns from ethnic markets, figured I found a
bargain, big plastic jars for cheap, took one look at home and tossed em in the
trash... look carefully... at least 2% is clearly varifiable rodent turds.
Next time you dine at that fancy schmancy joint and the waiter comes around
with that humongous pepper grinder just wave him away and pull out your own
travel grinder (yes, I have one), unless yoose like freshly ground mouse turds
and roach wings on your Ceasar. Yoose don't even wanna touch the preground
found at 99% of eateries... and I bet some of yoose actually sprinkle some of
that black dust what comes in little paper packets on your egg mcmuffin...
Ahahahahahaha. . . .

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."