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Janet Wilder[_4_] Janet Wilder[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 2,459
Default Calling 911 on cell phones. OT

On 6/24/2014 9:11 PM, Pico Rico wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 6/24/2014 9:37 PM, Pico Rico wrote:
>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On Tue, 24 Jun 2014 20:13:06 -0500, Janet Wilder >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> My "home phone" is a wireless system from Verizon. When I call 911 I
>>>>> have to give them the address. It took seconds when Barry died to get
>>>>> me to the proper dispatch. Seconds! I did not get sent to NY.
>>>> That's good to hear. We only have cell phones and I've been wondering
>>>> what kind of problem we'll have if/when we need to use them in a real
>>>> emergency like you had. Time waits for no man... or woman.
>>> you need to save in your cell phone the non-911phone number for emergency
>>> services dispatch in areas you frequent, including home.

>> NON 911 emergency services? I could program the number of the county
>> sheriff's office into my phone. If I called it right now (10PM) I'd get a
>> recording stating if it's an emergency call 911.

> I have several non-911 dispatch numbers on my phone. I guess it is a case
> of YMMV. Or, maybe call and tell them what you want and they will give you
> the RIGHT number to connect to dispatch.

I have the sheriff's department phone number on my cell phone. Just
realized it today as I was cleaning up my contact list on Verizon Backup
Assistant. New Samsung S5 comes tomorrow. Old Moto RAZR is having
severe battery issues. I need to keep the phone with me in case I fall
or something to Verizon shortened my contract date so I could upgrade
the phone at the end of contract price.

Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.

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