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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Live and Let Diet by AB

On 2014-06-25, > wrote:

> Eat a little of everything, not too much of anything.....


I've been a bit LARGE all my life. Been on every "diet" ever
invented. I once saw a documentary that sed that yer body has a
memeory. Any diet you've ever been on will never work again. I truly
believe that.

One diet does actually work! Repeatedly. As Debra DiGiovanni puts
it: "There's this new way to lose weight. Have you heard of this
before? It's called eating less and exercising."

I remember when I got divorced. Lost my appetite, completely. Still
hadda work 8-12 hrs day, never sitting down, but jes didn't eat.
Plain toast in morn. Cup of homemade soup (our Mex chef was awesome
with soups), long walk to mkt to buy bottle killer German beer....
Lost 50lbs in 5 mos. I remember feeling the emptiness in my gut.

Well, not been married in 25 yrs. Need a new incentive. Staying
alive? The fight continues.
