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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default Live and Let Diet by AB

On 6/25/2014 10:13 PM, Steve Freides wrote:

> The correct response here is "it depends." For most people most of the
> time, eating 5 meals a day is like wearing cushy running shoes.
> Everyone thought - for years, for decades - that what we needed was to
> wear cushioned shoes that prevented our feet from pronating. They have
> lately figured out, however, that those very shoes are what makes us
> feel better for a while but eventually makes most people worse as they
> lose their natural ability to absorb shock with a proper footstrike as
> their foot lands underneath them. Put on the cushy shoe and you start
> overstriding to the front, you start landing heels first, and you just
> mess up what_was_ a perfectly good system of shock absorbtion give to
> you by Mother Nature.
> Yes, if all you do is sit on your ass all day, you may find you can't
> figure out how to run without cushy shoes. That would be your (not you
> personally, Cheryl, of course) problem. Get off your ass, walk a couple
> of miles every day, and you'll be able to learn how to run without cushy
> shoes.
> The same applies to frequent feedings. We were born and bred not to
> live that kind of life. Our bodies do all sorts of good things when we
> _don't_ eat, fasting is a religious tradition that goes back thousands
> of years, and you simply don't need to eat 5 times a day. But, of
> course, you can't switch cold turkey to eating less often any more than
> you can pick 300 lbs. up off the floor, which I can, because I took my
> time and learned how to do it and then I practiced it a lot, a real lot.
> There are people who need to eat often, but they're generally big and
> trying to get bigger, e.g., they're professional athletes of some sort
> in a sport where being 250 lbs. is considered small. Those people
> should eat all the time.
> But for the rest of us, the saying that what doesn't kill you makes you
> stronger is still true, and the best thing everyone with a weight
> problem can do is learn to be a little hungry and not panic at that
> feeling. Being a little hungry for part of every day is a good thing.
> There are plenty of people giving out old advice, plenty of doctors who
> will still tell you to take statins and avoid naturally occuring
> saturated fats, and a whole lot of other things that go against the way
> our bodies were designed to work. If anyone wishes to take that sort of
> advice, that would again be their problem.
> For the record, I'm 59 years old and I picked 350 lbs. up off the floor
> at a powerlifting competition 2 weekends ago, setting a new New Jersy
> state record for my age and weight (149 lbs.) class. My body
> composition is good, all my blood markers are good, my resting pulse is
> in the 50's, my blood pressure is on the low side of average, and I walk
> about 10 miles a week and I lift weights most days. I eat one meal per
> day, at dinner, and I have very little before that - coffee or tea,
> water, and a few spoonfuls of nut butter, a protein bar, or both.
> Tonight's dinner was pan-seared scallops, spinach sauteed in coconut and
> olive oils, and grilled peppers and onions, no bread, no alcohol, no
> sweets, plenty of spices like garlic and black pepper, no salt - and it
> was absolutely delicious.
> Now be careful or I'll tell you what I really think.

I have a completely open mind when it comes to this. I actually find it
hard to eat that much per day, even if the snacks are small. I am very
sedentary since my back surgery, leading to weight gain. I'm just now
realizing what this has done to my lifestyle and my metabolism, and this
change has been the best thing for me to try so far. I am walking every
day on a treadmill only because walking on normal terrain still hurts
too much. I'm up to 2 10-15 minute sessions of walking on the treadmill
per day, every day, except for this week where I missed 2 days because
something happened to the wiring on the damned thing. It was repaired
today so I'm back on track.
