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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Low carb, practically no carb real fried chicken.

"Cheryl" > wrote in message
> On 6/26/2014 10:37 PM, Cheri wrote:
>> "Cheryl" > wrote in message
>>> On 6/26/2014 12:51 AM, Cheri wrote:
>>>> "Cheryl" > wrote in message
>>>> news:53ab5612$0$61348$c3e8da3
>>>>> I have a couple of small bags of pork rinds so I'm going to try this.
>>>>> I
>>>>> decided I really didn't like them to snack on. I used to, so maybe it
>>>>> was a different brand or something.
>>>> Crushed pork rinds work well for a lot of things, including pork chops.
>>>> We've used them for years in place of flour for coating and just use
>>>> the
>>>> bagged from the store, but the very best snacking pork rinds are the
>>>> microwave pork rinds from J&J Pork Rinds. They pop up fresh and warm.
>>>> Wonderful things that bear little resemblance to the bagged type.
>>>> Cheri
>>> Thanks Cheri. Good ideas for the bagged ones.

>> I don't know if you are lowering carbs, but there are some really great
>> recipes here from the old days of the low carb newsgroup that are tried
>> and true.

> Thanks! I am lowering carbs, but still sometimes have a carby meal like
> tonight with some white rice. I've changed my eating habits over the last
> couple of weeks and am feeling the benefits of lowering carbs, and can
> feel it when I indulge. For example, I usually have so much pain from
> arthritis in my left thumb that I wear a brace to keep it from moving. It
> helps. I haven't worn the brace for over a week.

The same thing happens to me when I overindulge with the carbs, not too
often, but I do occasionally. I was amazed at how quickly some of the aches
and pains went away when I started low carbing years ago for the diabetes.
Good luck with managing the pain.
