Thread: Oyster recipes?
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Oregonian Haruspex Oregonian Haruspex is offline
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Default Oyster recipes?

Jeßus > wrote:
> That sounds pretty good to me, I'll need to get some saffron first
> though. I had saffron growing here but it all died, still have no idea
> why happened there. Anyway, thanks and I might do a dozen oysters this
> way.

Saffron can be replaced in many recipes by safflower stamen, which is much
much cheaper and provides a very similar color and aroma. A big pillowy
bag can be obtained for a couple bucks, and you can impress friends and
family with your luxurious dishes. I won't tell!

Anyway my recipe works great with clams and mussels too. For an extra
burst of luxury you could throw in some chicken stock too.

I thicken with flour, corn starch seems to make the texture too glassy and
it interferes with the melting of the pat of butter I usually place on top
as the soup is served.