Penzeys: What's the hype all about???
In article >, Jack Schidt® > wrote:
> Penzey's works. There are other places that may be a bit cheaper, or
> closer, whatever but not closer to me. I've been buying from Penzey's for
> almost 10 years and they've been dependable and consistent. I hardly feel
> I'm capricious in my buying habits there. Sounds like another troll thread
> to me: never tried the product, but bash it anyway. Shame.
The first time I went to Penzy's was in Milwaukee in 1981. It was *wonderful*.
I think it was their first store. In fact, it was so wonderful that I continue to
patronize them in their new incarnations, even though they are kind of
As for shopping at ethnic places for spices, that's fine if a) you are
comfortable with the quality and b) you know enough to know where
and what to look for. Penzy's collects it all for you so you don't have
to spend your life learning about spices.
I agree that the OP was trolling, but if it weren't for trolls there wouldn't
be many threads.
Mike Beede