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Curly Sue
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Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

On Sun, 08 Aug 2004 04:28:09 GMT, Richard Periut >

>Nexis wrote:
>> "Richard Periut" > wrote in message
>> .. .
>>>What's all the hype about Penzeys? I don't understand the capriciousness
>>>of many people here.

>> This is a company many people on this ng have favored for years. That is
>> hardly a whim, my friend. Are you sure you know the meaning of
>> capriciousness?

>Main Entry: ca·pri·cious
>Pronunciation: k&-'pri-sh&s, -'prE-
>Function: adjective
>: governed or characterized by caprice : IMPULSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE
>synonym see INCONSTANT
>- ca·pri·cious·ly adverb
>- ca·pri·cious·ness noun
>Pretty clear to me.

Please explain what you meant in the context of the sentence that you
wrote, because a lot of people here don't see where your use of the
word applies.

>>>And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
>>>that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
>>>casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
>>>quality meal.

>> A hand blended mix of spices that I would mix anyway is hardly akin to
>> canned soup. They are not any less fresh or high quality if they are in one
>> jar or several.

>No, but why pay for blends that IMO are more expensive. Can't follow a

Because... we want to?

>For me personally, and I'm sure for
>> most people out there, I can honestly tell you, I wouldn't give a hoot if
>> you never purchased a thing from Penzeys. It would be your loss, as far as I
>> can tell.

>Well good for you, cause I don't give a hoot about the way you handle a
>simple polemic with such a combative attitude.

You started it. Your statement about buying herb and spice mixes as
being akin to "chemical mixtures" or using canned soup in recipes
surely was combative attitude. Similarly with the implication that
people who buy spices from them are responding to advertisements and
just want to spend money. Why insult people just because you like to
buy whole spices?

In trying to find an explanation for your nasty attitude, the only
thing I can figure is that you were disappointed in your Penzey's
order and resent the recommendations that you got here.

But how much did you actually spend? Wouldn't it have been better to
make a small order of a few things to test the water? Then you
wouldn't be so bitter.

And what did you order that was so disappointing anyway?

Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!