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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Broken Water Main

On 6/27/2014 9:27 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> A water main in the area broke. It's going to take until at least until
> Noon Saturday 6/28 to get it repaired.
> I was going to make pasta for dinner. That plan is now scrapped. I can
> always thaw some leftovers and heat them in the microwave. But I was
> really looking forward to some angel-hair pasta. I'd planned crawfish
> tail meat tossed in a butter/garlic sauce with steamed broccoli. Darnit.
> The Club (or any restaurant affected by the break) certainly can't
> function without water. I guess they're going to have to shut down
> until it's repaired.
> I do keep jugs of water on hand for emergencies, but that's mostly for
> being able to flush the toilet.
> I'm betting the nearest store will run out of bottled water today.
> Jill

My business associate had a water main break that serviced his area. He
was exercising so he went to his brother-in-law's place and took a
shower. Then he went to the office and took home a 5 gallon bottle of
water that was meant for the cooler. He came in yesterday with the empty
bottle. He went through the whole thing in a few hours.