On 2014-06-29 5:59 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> Hmm
Having working dog in her, she might be a bit of a handful. But
>> I know you'd be the patient and persistent type so you should have a
>> win in the end.
> Oh yes!!!
) I most certainly will
She is learning that when I say
> something, I mean it and she gives me 'that' look ... lol
I have problems with condescending looks from dogs. I used to have Labs
and they were thrilled just to be in the same world with me. When I had
the Groendahl it was nice to have a dog that understood hand signals and
the spoken word, but it was annoying that he would look at me like I was
some sort of idiot if I didn't understand what he wanted sometimes. My
son didn't that dog and said that if we bought another one of that breed
and something happened to us, he would take it to the pound.