"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 6/29/2014 8:10 PM, Cheri wrote:
>> > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Around here they say what goes around, comes around, you'll be old and
>>> feeble too one day - perhaps.
>> I might be, but at least there will be many provisions for the
>> caretakers to choose from. Provisions that I stocked up on before I
>> became feeble, and before there was a disaster.
>> Cheri
> Ah, Cheri, a voice of reason.
Having a stock of basic provisions
> simply makes sense, *especially* if your circumstances dictate you can't
> easily get to the store.
> Jill
I don't get all the hostility simply because we said it was a good idea to
prepare for disastrous events. Oh well.