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Pico Rico[_2_] Pico Rico[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 3,121
Default Birth Control. Good Theology.

> wrote in message
> On Wed, 02 Jul 2014 12:31:26 -0400, James Silverton
> > wrote:

>>Some methods of male birth control have never been available under a
>>health plan to my knowledge. However, female birth control does seem to
>>require a physician's supervision at least and an implant can only
>>safely placed by a physician and thus a health plan should cover these.

> I think once you start excluding things, it's a slippery slope. I
> have heard people saying our health care should not pay for smokers
> ills but I say to them, well we should also exclude brain injuries
> from skate boards or extreme sports if we are to go that route In
> actual fact a doctor was telling me those brain injuries are far more
> expensive because smokers have a limited duration before they croak

When the increasingly non-smoking public gets a bit older, our health care
and social security/government pension costs will go through the roof. They
used to die off sooner, and relatively quickly. No so "healthy" nonsmokers.
Ka Ching!