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Birth Control. Good Theology.
> wrote in message
> On Wed, 2 Jul 2014 18:16:38 +0100, "Ophelia"
> > wrote:
>>"James Silverton" > wrote in message
>>> On 7/2/2014 10:28 AM, Mark Storkamp wrote:
>>>> In article >,
>>>> "Steve Freides" > wrote:
>>>>> ImStillMags wrote:
>>>>>> Legally the decision is a dangerous precedent and severe misreading
>>>>>> of the constitution. Medically it entirely misses the fact that
>>>>>> contraceptives serve many more medical purposes than just preventing
>>>>>> pregnancy. But theologically it is an even graver misstep. It allows
>>>>>> no room for grace, it is coercive (the opposite of the example of
>>>>>> Christ), and it is restrictive. None of those things reflect the vow
>>>>>> I took on at baptism to "respect the dignity of every human being."
>>>>>> Today's ruling disregards the dignity of the individual to chose
>>>>>> their own path in favor of the wealthy and secure, that is a loss for
>>>>>> us all.
>>>>> Good for you - I agree with you 100%.
>>>>> -S-
>>>> I think we can all agree that food is even more vital to our health
>>>> than
>>>> is birth control. After all this is R.F.C. Why isn't it free with no
>>>> co-pay or deductible?
>>> Some methods of male birth control have never been available under a
>>> health plan to my knowledge. However, female birth control does seem to
>>> require a physician's supervision at least and an implant can only
>>> safely
>>> placed by a physician and thus a health plan should cover these.
>>Chemist shops here give free condoms on request.
> Wow, I don't know whether ours do, must ask the pharmacist next time I
> am there, that'll make him wonder!!
> I gather they have made advances with a male contraceptive pill but
> were I a young, fertile female again, I sure as hell would have no
> faith in a "I'm on the pill" anymore than one believed the story about
> vasectomies After all, who is going to have the most grief ?
Of course!