Birth Control. Good Theology.
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Dave Smith[_1_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 35,884
Birth Control. Good Theology.
On 2014-07-02 2:04 PM,
>> Chemist shops here give free condoms on request.
> Wow, I don't know whether ours do, must ask the pharmacist next time I
> am there, that'll make him wonder!!
> I gather they have made advances with a male contraceptive pill but
> were I a young, fertile female again, I sure as hell would have no
> faith in a "I'm on the pill" anymore than one believed the story about
> vasectomies
After all, who is going to have the most grief ?
I am not politically correct and have been hassled over my views about
the *ultimate* responsibility for birth control being with the female
because she is the one who is going to have to deal with the pregnancy.
Any woman who takes a man's word for it that he has had a vasectomy is
taking a huge chance. I doubt that a woman who would know what a
vasectomy scar looks like would have to worry about one.
Birth control methods are not 100% effective. One SiL is an RN and
managed to get pregnant while on birth control, and the result was my
twin niece and nephew.
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Dave Smith[_1_]
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