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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 35,884
Default Birth Control. Good Theology.

On 2014-07-02 5:26 PM, Nellie wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 2:13:38 PM UTC-7, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2014-07-02 4:59 PM, graham wrote:
>>> On 02/07/2014 2:38 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

>>>> On 2014-07-02 4:06 PM, sf wrote:


>>>>>> Sounds like sage advice for any young woman. In my awesome opinion,

>>>>>> men are pretty much pigs.


>>>>> Rooting pigs is more to the point.




>>>> LOL.... You may know that rooting is a euphemism for the sex act in

>>>> Australia. A number of years ago some good friends of ours visiting

>>>> cousins in Australia and had taken a number of Roots sweat shirts as

>>>> gifts for the children. The parents were not pleased.


>>> I remember a t-shirt with the following on it:

>>> "A wombat eats roots shoots and leaves" (no punctuation)

>>> {:-)

>> I thought it was "... eats roots and leaves"

> The book is _Eats Shoots and Leaves_ it is about grammar and punctuation.

Maybe I am confusing it with the joke about a koala arguing with a
hooker he had oral sex with and did not want to pay. He pointed to the
definition of koala in the dictionary, an Australian marsupial that eats
bush and leaves.