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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 35,884
Default Birth Control. Good Theology.

On 2014-07-03 8:54 AM, wrote:

>> LOL! They probably are but I was just speaking from my own
>> experience. :-D

> Well I had both and have to say girls weren't good but boys had a
> tendency to do incredibly dangerous, stupid things. It's amazing any
> of them make it past puberty!

That is true of many of us. It is indeed a wonder that some of us made
it through childhood. Some of us did not. I lost two very close friends
within 4 months of each other when I was 15, one in a motorcycle
accident and the other in a car accident. My parents cut us a lot of
slack when we were kids and encouraged our independence. We would set of
on hikes or bicycle hikes and get into all sorts of things.

Firecrackers were a favourite toy. We were the generation that got them
banned here. We used to make forts in the woods and would attack each
others forts. A steel pipe with ball bearings and a 6" canon
firecracker made a pretty awesome artillery piece.