Birth Control. Good Theology.
Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2014-07-03 7:54 AM, Gary wrote:
> >
> > <snip> Thanks Ed. I guess I could have read the warning signs on the
> > box that I have. I was just wondering if anyone here had specific
> > side effects. I avoid all medications when possible and whenever I
> > try a new one (new for me), I always start out with half-doses to
> > begin with.
> >
> I have a number of allergy issues, most of which are somewhat seasonal.
> I take (generic) Benedryl for them, but I only take them at night. They
> make me very tired and I sleep an extra hour or two in the morning, and
> I feel groggy when I eventually get up. My son does not like to take
> antihistamines because of the drowsiness, and the no doze variety have
> stimulants to counteract the drowsiness.
Benedryl causes no drowsiness for me, even at higher than recommended
doses (can't OD on antihistamines anyway), someone else I know is the
same way, the Benedryl works fine on the allergy, but has no apparent
side effects.