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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Birth Control. Good Theology.

"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> On 2014-07-03 10:03 AM, Janet Bostwick wrote:
>>> I have a number of allergy issues, most of which are somewhat seasonal.
>>> I take (generic) Benedryl for them, but I only take them at night. They
>>> make me very tired and I sleep an extra hour or two in the morning, and
>>> I feel groggy when I eventually get up. My son does not like to take
>>> antihistamines because of the drowsiness, and the no doze variety have
>>> stimulants to counteract the drowsiness.

>> my dog takes generic Benedryl a couple time a day upon vet's
>> recommendation.

> Mine too. He has allergies that cause skin problems. I have saved a bundle
> thins year by giving him people Benedryl instead of the veterinary
> antihistamines that look exactly the same but cost about 10 times as much.
> Wow, have they ever slowed him down.

Mine too.
