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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Caramelized Onions in Crockpot

On 7/3/2014 7:13 AM, Cheri wrote:
> In the post on her pot it says..."started at 8:15 AM, should be done by
> 4-6 PM." 8:15 to 4 is a tad less than 8 hours, that's why I say "8 or so
> hours" What's not to understand? I think she knows her crock pot and
> that's a suggestion of at least 8 hours. My crock pot cooks a lot faster
> than the recipes call for so I imagine it would be closer to 8 hours in
> mine too. YMMV
> Cheri

I've caramelized onions for a frittata. You get a crapload amount of
sliced onions and cook it in butter. You start with what seems like an
impossibly large amount in a frying pan - as much as your pan can hold
and fry the onions down till it's brown. It takes around 15 minutes or
so. Then you add your eggs and cheese and whatever else you want. It's
tasty stuff but caramelizing the onions requires your time and attention
for a while.