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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Birth Control. Good Theology.

"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 2 Jul 2014 22:07:27 -0700, "Cheri" >
> wrote:
>>"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>>> On 7/2/2014 10:07 AM, Gary wrote:
>>>> You don't need your insurance plan to buy OTC drugs. they are cheap
>>>> enough.
>>>> G.
>>> One of my wife's prescriptions had a $10 co-pay and when the OTC became
>>> available it went to $29.

>>Yes, when they put things like Prevacid OTC, the price is high like $25.00
>>for a month supply, then the insurance company doesn't pay at all and the
>>patient pays full price. Nothing cheap about it comparaed to when covered

> Same happened to me with Prilosec OTC so for over a rear I was buying
> it at a greatly inflated price, plus since I was precribed two tablets
> a day it wasn't always easy to find a large supply in any one store so
> I was always hunting around to buy what I could. And then a new
> doctor wrote me an Rx for the generic (Omeprazole), a small capsule, I
> get a 90 day supply for a $10 co-pay.

Yes, I know others that have it done that way too. It's 20mg so only taking
one pill now, as opposed to two.
