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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default pizza making demonstration that shows a perforated peel

This is Tony Gemignani of Tony's Pizzas in San Francisco. It is not the exact video as the one
from Bruce Aidells Pizza Margherita episode, but it's similar. He's
hot and tired in this one and doesn't go into all the details he went
into on the video that no one can play. One of the missing details is
why they use a perforated peel.

The peel shown is different too. The one in this video is a standard
perforated peel that anyone can find on the internet, but the one he
used on Bruce Aidells show looked like they had drilled huge holes in
a standard unperforated metal peel.

I found an inexpensive metal pizza peel (under $20) on the Target
website that I may buy to drill holes in, if I don't find something
similar locally. I definitely want a short handle like that one has.

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.