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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default new "want" for my home style pizza making

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 03 Jul 2014 12:55:21 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>> On 7/3/2014 12:30 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> > A perforated pizza peel is just another gimmick to pick the pinhead's
>> > wallets, and add kitchen klutter. Use a perforated pizza pan (or
>> > pizza screen) and you'll need no pizza peel and no pizza stone... a
>> > pizza stone for a home oven is also a gimmick, you cannot turn a home
>> > oven into a brick oven, can't be done, only the bricks for brains
>> > believe they can.

> He's an idiot.
>> Some people really seem to love pizza and make it often. They're the
>> ones who want these things. I don't think about pizza enough to care
>> one way or the other.

> I love pizza and have perfected my own to the point that my family and
> I prefer it to the product of every pizza palace in town. It doesn't
> keep me from eating pizza out, but it does make me wonder why I
> continue to do it - so I'll call it shopping the competition.
>> My middle brother used to try to give me foodie gifts. I'm really not
>> into all that stuff/gadgets. Years ago he gave me a pizza stone. He
>> probably he saw it on some cooking show. I had your basic, garden
>> variety apartment electric stove/oven. It worked fine but it was
>> nothing to write home about. I tried to use the pizza stone but even
>> with a good sprinkling of cornmeal, the dough/crust stuck like crazy.
>> It sure didn't do that when baked on a nicely seasoned heavy pizza pan.
>> Of course you have to oil the pan.

> People often make the mistake of forming their pizza on the cold stone
> and then putting it into the oven. I don't know if that's what you
> did or not. You always need to put the cold stone into a cold oven
> (treat it like a clay pot in that respect) and then turn the oven up
> as far as it will go - which is at least 450°. A pizza stone needs to
> heat up in the oven for 45-60 min and tiles need at least 30.
> I have double ovens. The bottom shelf in one is lined with the
> unglazed tiles I've used for the last 20 years, the bottom shelf of
> the other has a huge rectangular stone on it and they live in my ovens
> 24-7-365.
>> I had one of those perforated pizza pans at one time. I really only
>> found them to work well with frozen pizza. But frozen pizza is not what
>> sf is talking about.

> Thank you. I still have one of those, but I never make frozen pizza.
> Not sure why it's still around, but I use it from time to time.
> Making scratch pizza at home isn't the big fat deal that it used to
> be. I still make my own pizza dough, but people who live in
> metropolitan areas can buy decent pizza dough in bags for just a
> couple of bucks at the local supermarket these days. Buy the dough,
> buy the toppings and make fresh pizza after work.
> This is the last pizza I made.
> Those chunks are eggplant. I used leftover ratatouille and it was
> delicious.

Making pizza was never a big fat deal for me. I've made my dough from
scratch and in some parts of the country like PA, pre-made dough has been
widely available for many, many years.

Angela and I don't really like pizza. Husband loves the stuff though but
isn't picky. He just as soon eat a frozen pizza or even Pizza Hut delivery
as he would something I make at home. My only problem with making it is
showing restraint with the toppings. I have finally gotten that right but
for years I put too much on.

Now if we want to get him pizza, we usually go to the one Albertsons that
sells it by the slice. Sometimes we do the same at Whole Foods or PCC.
Albertsons is much cheaper. They just had B1G1F.

My MIL made pizza every Friday. Hers was never the same way twice but
always good. She just used a regular pan. Canned sauce. I believe she
just used straight up Red Pack tomato sauce. No other seasonings. And
whatever cheese ends she could get. She also used purchased dough.

I'm not trying to argue with you. If you feel that you need a peel, then
you probably need one. I'm just saying that for most of us, it wouldn't be