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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Caramelized Onions in Crockpot

"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> "Cheri" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> "Gary" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Gary" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> > Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> On Tue, 1 Jul 2014 21:29:04 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> > I keep meaning to try this but haven't yet done it. Going to
>>>>>>>> >> > do it now
>>>>>>>> >> > though for my 4th of July baked beans. Should probably get
>>>>>>>> >> > them
>>>>>>>> >> > started
>>>>>>>> >> > tomorrow since the beans themselves take a good 12 or more
>>>>>>>> >> > hours in the
>>>>>>>> >> > Crockpot.
>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>> >> > Have you tried this method before? Are they as good as on the
>>>>>>>> >> > stove?
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> They will not work in your crock pot.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > IMO, this is NOT a crockpot meal. Caramelize your onions the
>>>>>>>> > proper
>>>>>>>> > way in a frying pan and spend the time watching them. Soak and
>>>>>>>> > cook
>>>>>>>> > your beans in water. 4th of July, combine everything and the
>>>>>>>> > other
>>>>>>>> > ingredients and bake in the oven.
>>>>>>>> I always cook my beans first on top of the stove and then put all
>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>> "baked" stuff in there and finish them in the Crockpot. They come
>>>>>>>> out very
>>>>>>>> nicely in there. Only thing different this year is that I am
>>>>>>>> trying to do
>>>>>>>> the onions in there first. We'll see...
>>>>>>> I see it's done but takes about 15 hours. Let us know how they turn
>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>> Seems like they would be just fine in 8 or so hours in this recipe.
>>>>> That's actually the recipe that I used except that I used 4 very large
>>>>> Walla Walla Sweets.
>>>> But I just realized that I read the recipe wrong. I looked at sooo
>>>> many! I thought the cook time was 6-8 hours on low. Oops! I did start
>>>> them out for an hour on high. So I have since cranked up the heat and
>>>> they are getting darker quickly. I have them in the newer pot and I
>>>> think it gets hotter than my other two.
>>> So, should you be cooking them at 6-8 hours on high?

>> Well, I think they've been on high now for about 6 hours and they are
>> still not done. Looks like I'll be getting to sleep super extra late!
>> This darned house is still too hot to be able to sleep. Chilly outside
>> now. Grrr...

> Oh dear. Well, I just used up all my onions and almost filled my slow
> cooker! I put in quite a lot of butter and it is on high for 7 hours.
> That will take me through to around 6 pm my time. Are you stirring yours
> occasionally?

Yes. I found it necessary to stir them once in a while. I also removed two
big spoonfuls of liquid and tossed it out. Probably wasn't necessary as
when I finally put it back on high, the extra liquid mostly cooked off.

They're done now. Finally got done around 5:00 a.m. I put them on to cook
probably around 2:30 but keep in mind that while I had them on high for the
first hour, the next 7 or so were on low. I should have left them on high.

The end result? Just kind of meh. Seems like they are lacking salt which
of course I did not add. But I never add salt when I make them on the
stove. I actually like them better when made on the stove. But for my bean
recipe, I don't think it will matter. I'm going to put them back in the pot
with other stuff and cook them for at least 12 more hours.

So will I be making these again? Probably not. It's not a problem for me
to make them on top of the stove at all and I really do like them a lot
better when made that way.