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Pete C.[_2_] Pete C.[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 814
Default Birth Control. Good Theology.

> On Thu, 03 Jul 2014 17:01:48 -0500, "Pete C." >
> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >Keep laughing, I've been to the UK, I've seen the Cairo-esque slums
> >> >you've got there. The US is far, far better off than your imploded
> >> >empire.
> >>
> >> Wow and you don't see the similarities in the USA right now ??

> >
> >With the exception of a couple very small areas in the US, absolutely
> >not. Those who try to claim there are, or that there is huge poverty, or
> >tons of racism or "gun crime" have not the slightest clue what they are
> >talking about. Only those who both live in the US and have traveled it
> >extensively have a real concept of what the US is actually like. The
> >reality is the US is both huge and diverse and the 50 US states +
> >territories are more properly compared to the whole of Europe and all
> >the different countries there since each US state is decidedly different
> >from the rest.

> So driving coast to coast over a period of five weeks doesn't count ?
> Probably seen more than many born Americans.

No, it doesn't actually. Take 50 books, tear 10 pages out of 10 of the
books and see what those 10 pages tell you about all 50 books. That's
what you get in your coast to coast drive, a thin slice across a handful
of US states, only a small portion of each of the states you went
through and nothing about the others outside your path. It's comparable
to taking a train across Europe and only touring things in the immediate
vicinity of the train stations, extremely superficial.