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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Birth Control. Good Theology.

On 7/3/2014 2:33 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "dsi1" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 7/2/2014 8:04 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> I nearly died in childbirth. I had gone into pre-eclampsia a day before
>>> my due date. BP went sky high during the birthing. And I had a high
>>> risk pregnancy due to my age and gestational diabetes. So that's why I
>>> only ever had one.

>> Being pregnant is scary and hazardous to your health. Nobody could
>> fault you for having only one child. Our first was pretty easy. The
>> second was a little harder. The third was the killer. That would have
>> made any couple stop having kids. Funny how it all turns out.

> After what I went through I don't see how anyone could have more than
> one. My mom always said that you forget. I didn't forget. But... She
> may well have been given drugs that I wasn't. Not sure what all she had
> but she is big into taking drugs. I do know that. I refused any and
> all drugs but... Towards the end they insisted that I take something in
> my IV. I think it was Demerol. I had just grown too weak to push any
> more. I also had to have Magnesium Sulfate due to the really high BP
> and that made me feel very ill.

The delivery of our first child was quite remarkable in it's quietness.
My wife knew it was time and took a bath and prepared herself. She
gently roused me up in the middle of the night. I woke up to see her
ready with all the bags and supplies we needed for the hospital. I was
expecting something like in the movies but we made our way up the empty
El Camino Real without any urgency. It all seems like a dream now.